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Information about our Club and its History

Mission Statement!

This club has been formed to promote and further the building and flying of radio controlled model airplanes. This activity shall be pursued for the enjoyment and education of its members.

We intend to provide entertainment, social recreation, lectures, exhibitions and instruction to our membership and the interested public.

It shall also be our goal to obtain and maintain, for our mutual benefit, a site or sites to be designated as our club model airfield(s). In our group efforts this shall be our primary activity and all other activities shall be sub-ordinate.

It shall also be our purpose to raise and collect money to support our activities. This shall be accomplished by collecting annual dues from the members and any other fund raising activity suggested by the members and approved by vote of the general membership.


Our Membership Roster

comming soon!

Current Events and Projects

This Winter/Fall Project will be Vintage Kits or Plans.

If you have an old Kit you never got around to building now is the time. That goes for plans too.

You can also sell or auction them to our members so they can build them!